Dear Potential New Member,

Gamma Phi Beta will provide a rich and rewarding collegiate experience, filled with an exceptional blend of opportunities in the areas of leadership, scholarship, philanthropic involvement, and personal development. Gamma Phi Beta is a true lifetime experience where we are committed to helping our members achieve their greatest potential at every stage in life. Gamma Phi Beta is not just four years, it’s for life!

Upcoming Dates

Gamma Phi Beta is participating in Continuous Open Bidding this fall 2024! If interested, click the recruitment email below.

Recommend A Potential New Member

To complete a reference form, click on the link below and login to


If you have any questions regarding recruitment, please email us!

Gamma Phi Beta’s mission is to inspire the highest type of personhood, build confident chapter members of character who make a difference in the world around us and to be true and constant friends to all. Gamma Phi Beta’s philanthropic focus is to proactively work to build strong individuals by providing opportunities for self-expression and love, while helping inspire future leaders. Gamma Phi Beta wishes you the best of luck in your recruitment experience!